we are cronn

We are cronn – a Bonn-based software development company with branches in Hamburg and Białystok, Poland. Software development is our passion. We trust in Java, OpenSource and, last but not least, in our experienced team. All of this we deploy to bring our clients software that is key to their business, or to professionally consult them in issues regarding architecture, tools or approaches.

cronn locations marked on mapThe three cronn office locations - Bonn, Hamburg and Białystok - marked on a map

Was Dich bei uns erwartet

  • Unterstützung und Beratung unserer Projektteams und unserer Kunden bei der Erstellung, Planung und Umsetzung des Security Development Lifecycle und der Security Architecture
  • Nachverfolgung, Fehlerbehebung und Dokumentation sicherheitsrelevanter Probleme
  • Schwachstellenprüfung und -bewertung für 3rd Party Libraries
  • Koordination und Steuerung von für die IT-Security relevanten Entwicklungstätigkeiten und Definition technischer Vorgaben
  • Dokumentation und Reporting des Security-Status

Wenn Du folgende Voraussetzungen mitbringst

  • Du besitzt erste Erfahrung als IT-Security Expert, Expert Cyber-Security oder in einem ähnlichen IT-sicherheitsrelevanten Bereich
  • Du hast ein Studium im Bereich Informatik, IT-Sicherheit oder ein vergleichbares Studium mit gutem Erfolg abgeschlossen
  • Programmierkenntnisse in Java oder TypeScript bringst Du bereits mit
  • Dir gehen Deutsch und Englisch fließend über Finger und Zunge
  • Du bist offen für Neuerungen
  • Du arbeitest selbstständig und eigenverantwortlich

… dann wollen wir Dich kennenlernen!


Apply now!

Does this job offer suit you?
Then we look forward to receiving your application by e-mail: jobs@cronn.de

Apply now Our benefits

Our benefits

Work at cronn

Our teams and our abilities

Our catchphrase is „wir entwicklen software“ – developing software brings us joy. We believe in Software Craftsmanship, good code and score with a team that brings both competence and a healthy attitude to the table.​

Interesting and challenging software development projects

Our projects are laid out within in a wide scope of fields. We show the same enthusiasm for start-ups as we do for multinational corporations. We embrace challenges and believe in development and growth.

Hardware and operating system according to your preferences

Because you know best what you like to work with. On top of that all of our work stations are equipped with height-adjustable tables and ergonomic chairs.​

Further training opportunities

We encourage personal growth with a yearly further education budget and two days exceptional leave for you to use on conferences, workshops or certifications – alone, with a colleague or with the whole team.​

Flexible working hours & 30 days vacation

We want cronners to find their best possible work-life balance: that’s why we have flexible working hours and home office days.

Employee events

No later than at your first Christmas party you’ll get to witness how much we enjoy celebrating together. However, until then there are many other events held throughout the year: beer tastings, summer parties, runs, short trips, cronn sports clubs or our weekly afternoon beer. Open – but not obligatory! – for all.​

Participation in conferences and engagement

We love to share our knowledge and actively participate in local communities such as the Java User Group or the Usability Testessen. You are welcome to influence and shape this network.​

A cool office located at the Bonner Bogen

It's easy to feel comfortable in our modern, sunny and well-located office. You can play a round at the arcade machine or football table at any time, we have good tea and coffee (really good!) and unlimited soft drinks. We also make sure there's always something to nibble on, be it sweet, salty or healthy. Otherwise, food trucks, bakeries and canteens are not far away.

Relocation costs

If you choose cronn but have to move to be closer to us, we’ll help you with the costs of relocating. For an easier start in your new home in Bonn.​​


The cronn-bike gives cronners the option to leave the car at home, simultaneously reducing emissions and helping you lead a healthy lifestyle.


In Bonn and Hamburg, we offer the Deutschlandticket for all those who would like to reach our easily accessible offices by public transport.

Meal subsidy

We offer you the maximum food subsidy for your lunch in the offices of Bonn & Hamburg.


Questions regarding you application?
Stefan will be glad to answer them all:

  +49 228 710 310 36

Unsolicited application

No fit? No problem

Haven’t found a job offer that exactly fits your profile? Don’t worry – we welcome unsolicited applications.

Send in you application now